Chromatone Weekly
All events and advancements in any of Chromatone projects and programs. Is s issued every Sunday for all members of Chromatone Academy.
Soft Start Preparations
Last week of preparation before starting first Pilot month of Academy. Much work to be done before. And even more - after. So let's get to it!
Calendar added
Academy now has a simple, but very informative calendar with the whole year on one page and all events and news displayed!
Newsletter capabilities added
We are adding email service to send news lists to our members!
Academy v.0.3.0
We have all th basic functionality for first students to come in and explore. Interactive web-app, newsletter and basic Discord bot are established. In the very-very basic form and with so much to work on. But we can go together! Join in for Soft Launch.
Academy version v.0.2.5 is out
We start showing version in the footer of the app and will keep versions of the app, courses and projects in sync. This means that we imply semantic versioning to our Programs, Courses and Projects.
Soft Launch May
From Open Source to Open Minds: Chromatone Academy Soft Launch
Soft Launch
Join us in May and get an early bird student subscription price
Discord bot is operational
Basic Discord bot is ready to administer student access to the server.